15 June 2021 marks the 640th anniversary of the meeting of Richard II at Smithfield with Wat Tyler and his fellow rebels - a key event in the 'Peasants' Revolt'. An exciting new research project, ‘The People of 1381’ at the Universities of Reading (Adrian Bell and Herbert Eiden), Oxford (Helen Lacy and Helen Killick), Glasgow (Andrew Prescott) and Southampton (Anne Curry, and Ian Waldock and Jason Sadler of Geodata) funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, is underway. It has a 'history from below' approach, using legal and manorial records to explore those involved in the revolt (www.1381.online). Currently we are tweeting the events of the revolt in this anniversary year ( @peopleof1381 #reliving1381)
We are delighted to invite you all to our webinar organised through the Worshipful Company of Fletchers which is celebrating its own 650th anniversary in 2021 and of which Anne Curry is currently Master. We are also delighted that the Aldermanic Sheriff of the City of London, Michael Mainelli, will be introducing our talk.
Please join us on 15 June 2021 at 6 pm for London and the Peasants' Revolt: the People of 1381 using the Zoom link below (and feel free to send this link to friends and colleagues). 'Doors' open at 5.40 pm UK time
We are also encouraging donations after the lecture which will be shared equally between The Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund which supports ex-prisoners and their families in London to start a new life, and The Fletchers’ Trust which supports disabled archery including the Team GB Paralympic Archers, and other charitable causes.
To donate after lecture (suggested donation £10 but any sum gratefully received) please use the Donate button on www.fletchers.org.uk, The Trust section. If you would like to know more about the Fletchers Company, including membership, please use the contact form on the WCF website or contact Anne Curry (a.e.curry@soton.ac.uk).